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Happy Friday! It's football season, so casual Fridays mean I gotta represent! #rolltide #september #


Why "Tales of a Phoenix?"


Life is anything but predictable.  And as a woman with anxiety/depressive disorder, even the "easy" things can be difficult.  But no matter what happens, I try to rise from the ashes stronger.  I hope that my journeys will inspire you to do the same.

A Little About Me

My family and I moved back to our hometown in AL in 2016, after 5 years in FL, and a year in NYC.  My husband started his business here, and I work full time as a pharmacy billing rep, on top of raising two children. I've always had a passion for writing, and over the past year I've be working to turn my passion into my profession.  I am currently working on my first novel.


My other passions are art, music, travel, history, coffee, and wine (or a good whiskey!).  

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